sábado, abril 18, 2009

Samambaia de plastico

Humor fino, casca grossa.
Com a palavra, nossos patrocinadores...

ATTENTION: To all of the Tahitian surfers of the Tahitian Surfing Federation and all it may concern:

We are very curious as to why you have a “Trials” that allows only one (1) surfer to advance into the main event. You should be allowed sixteen (16) just like here in Hawai’i. There are RULES to this effect. Who would let Billabong and the ASP come into their country and dictate to them that only one (1) surfer will come out of the trials?

What country and what people would bend over to Billabong to let them dictate that no one else can have an event or venue in their own land, and not even allow the native Tahitians to have a contest at Teahupoo?

Understand this, Billabong and the ASP need Tahiti. Tahiti does NOT need Billabong or the ASP. Be warned, these are not nice people. Instead, they are money-hungry pig idiots who will take advantage of your hospitality and Aloha. Imagine how happy they are? These little dweebs are dictating how it’s going to be, in YOUR home. We would really like to know who is responsible to let this happen.

The reason the ASP surfers don’t want Tahitian surfers coming out of the trials is because they don’t want to get beaten by them, as it’s been proven. The ASP has this smoke screen of saying that they are the best surfers in the world and are using their politics to screw you every year. Did you also notice that Tahiti is the only place in the world that allows the ASP to bring in their own Water Patrol and Security?

Tell us you don’t see the Tahitian surfers surf Teahupoo, or anyplace else in the world for that matter; as good as anyone in the Top 44? Unfortunately, they don’t get the money to travel and their country doesn’t support them. Plus to qualify for the CT, you have to surf junk little waves all over the world, which is bullcrap. When some of these CT surfers hear they are going to Tahiti, they start hoping Teahupoo is going to be small when they get there . Imagine what would happen if there were sixteen (16) or more Tahitian and Hawaiians in that contest? What do you think would happen?

We say the remedy for this is for the ASP, Billabong; or whatever contract was made or whomever they paid off, should stop - tough shit. The rules have just changed. Should they try to pull their will fix it next year crap tell them “NO”. NOW IS THE TIME .

All Polynesians should be allowed to have their talent shine and not have it blemished by foreigners. Its time to stick out your chests, not your asses.
We’ve been through this time after time and should be proud of who we are and not be taken advantage of.

Parahi and Aloha,

The Founders of the Hui O He’e Nalu

PS - é serio.

PS 2 - seria primeiro de abril ?

6 comentários:

  1. Anônimo1:15 AM

    Esse vídeo com certeza vai ter mais bilheteria que o Surf Adventures 2. Ao menos é engraçado.

    O tal de C.C. de esquina exagerou nas críticas, mas as mesmas despertaram minha curiosidade.

    Fui assistir o filme e se por acaso, a desculpa para a total falta de nexo do filme for: "esse filme foi feito para surfistas", tenho vergonha de dizer que sou surfista. Tirando a trilha sonora, o filme estragou a saga do Surf Adventures 1.

    As pessoas não conseguem entender, mesmo sendo em idioma nativo, o que os pseudos artistas/protagonistas falam ou tentam falar/comunicar...

    Ou as falas foram muito mal redigidas ou realmente aqueles caras não merecem nem um salário mínimo de patrocínio...

    Andre Costa

  2. Adolfo, o super-sincero10:04 AM

    Ah, o velho Hui O He'e Nalu espalhando o espírito de aloha entre as nações... O texto, como tudo o que os havaianos fundamentalistas fazem, é totalmente estúpido, mas o elogio feito à ASP - "money-hungry pig idiots" - não foge muito à realidade.
    Nos últimos anos os putos têm forçado a barra pros "top 16" havaianos correrem o Pipe Masters, e nem assim nenhum deles levou o título... Nem Wolfpack, nem Pipeline Posse, ou qualquer uma dessas ganguezinhas de merda... E o O'brien ainda foi rabeado pelo Slater, haha!.. (se fosse um brasileiro nem pisava mais nas ilhas, mas o K9 pode, né)

  3. Quem é o "frango" do video?

  4. Espero que os Taitianos tenham personalidade, pensem pelas suas próprias cabeças e não caiam nesse discurso Chavista idiota, conclamando os puros de surf e alma numa jihad contra a "Infiel ASP"...

  5. Anônimo1:10 PM

    Tirando a coincidência de serem os dois filés de brontossauro, a voz de mamute é igual a do Schwarzneger.

  6. rodrigo12:24 PM

    oioioioi, o cara tá mais pra halterofilista "no puro suco da bomba" do que pra surfista...


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