quinta-feira, junho 28, 2007

Abu Ghraib

[It's my favorite images of the war...no, not really. It's just a poster a friend of mine made to bring some awareness to what's happening in iRaq and a funny play on iPods. Pop culture meets political awareness.

Bruce Gilbert, my traveling partner and one of my best friends, started doing posters with this image on them.

It was originally made with numbers of troops and Iraqis killed to date but it's far outdated and the numbers are way up there now -- around 3500 US troops and between 700,000 and a million Iraqis killed since the beginning of the war!

Why is Paris Hilton going to a halfway house for three weeks bigger news than 500 Iraqis a day being killed in their own country everyday as well as lots of American troops? This is not to mention the injured, which is about ten times higher than the casualties. It's life-changing for so many people. A crime of humanity.

But wait...I'm off track. I just liked the way the colors looked, I guess. Yeah, that's all.


7 comentários:

  1. Anônimo3:49 PM

    Kelly? Everything told by him literally turns in all-true-history...Paradoxo dos paradoxos - No topo do mundo material e se esquivando nas sombras...Fui!

  2. Anônimo4:29 PM

    posta em portugu~es caralho! Parece até blog da ABOG...

  3. Haha! Legal saber que o Slater tem alguma consciência política (bom p/ o surf) mas o mais legal foi o final da declaração, onde ele admite que escolheu as ilustrações de guerra na prancha por causa das cores maneiras... Hehehe

  4. Engraçado que se fosse o Andy Irons estariam em peso dizendo que era um f.d.p. hipócrita...

  5. Mas se fosse o A.I. com certeza seria um f.d.p. hipócrita! O bodoso só pensa nele! A Lindy que se cuide!!

  6. Anônimo11:12 AM

    Melhor seria se o carecone estivesse usando uma prancha com material não derivado do petróleo... ou não .
    Caguei .
    Rob Rotten

  7. Anônimo1:00 PM

    podi crer rotten


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