sexta-feira, fevereiro 11, 2005

Dave fala

[Quando ele fala, a gente escuta, ainda que não concorde, como este que vos escreve.
Herdeiro da mesma linha de recalque do Dora, tão erudito quanto e tão pretensioso...
Mas nesse marasmo de jornalistas inopinados e rebuscados, Dave Parmenter é leitura obrigatória.]

'Many younger pros, influenced by Curren’s backtracking, surfer/writer/filmmaker Andrew Kidman’s re-discovery of Morning of the Earth, and films like Thicker Than Water, are tripping on wholly new – to them – sensations radiating from their experimentation with single-fins, Fish, and egg shapes. Other “Children of a Lesser Board” are relieved, after years of struggling on contemporary shortboards, to finally bloom on wider and thicker surfcraft that are both functional and “cool.” For it could be said that undersized surfboards have crippled more surfers in the past decade than ever were hobbled by LSD in the ‘60s and ‘70s. '

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